Course at a glance

State capacity permeates all aspects of governance. Public finance is  a crucial pillar of governance and state capacity, since adequate funding determines outcome. Consequently, strengthening governments’ public financial management (PFM) capabilities has emerged as a key priority in developing countries at the national and subnational levels. Capacity building across levels in finance departments, line departments, and program implementing agencies for PFM is essential to improve the delivery of public goods and services and make public investments more efficient and effective. In this context, MSC has worked on a digital PFM program to define digital PFM principles, such as Just-in-Time and Smart Payments solutions, to improve service delivery and solve state capacity challenges.

Why this training?

This course will help you understand the importance of a systematic approach to digital public finance management from case studies and best practices. We invite you to a well- designed, holistic training program that covers the nuances of digitizing G2P, G2G, and G2B payments. This training program covers several topics and imparts an understanding of principles, processes, channels, and technology to understand PFM in this digital era. This course is based on extensive research and experience working with governments and other stakeholders.

Who should attend?

At the Helix Institute at MSC, we are committed to meeting this demand from policymakers and regulators to build the skills necessary to adapt to the emergent and digital future. We have designed this course specifically for middle- to senior-level policymakers, regulators, and government program officers who seek to understand from practical experience and relevant cases.  This course is designed specifically for finance departments, line departments, and implementation agencies interested in applying practical experiences and relevant cases to efficient public financial management.

Topics covered

Digitizing government-to-person (G2P) payments

Social protection provided through G2P

Priority stakeholder consideration in G2P payments

Program distribution models and payments data management

Digital identity and data requirement

Success in delivering G2P payments

Providers’ and users’ considerations in digitizing G2P

Country-based case studies and examples

Introduction to digital public finance management (PFM) system and network exchange infrastructure

The PFM cycle, approach, institutional framework, system components, and the ecosystem

Vision and objectives of PFM

Role of PFM strategies in digital governance, PFM priorities, reform objectives, and implementation risks

Principles and strategy for information exchange

Digital information exchange as a single source of truth to improve data quality

Country case studies and examples

Just-in-time (JIT) funding

Various stages and associated benefits of JIT funding

Virtual treasury single account arrangements for improving the efficiency of fund flow

Use cases of JIT funding

Smart payments solution

Understanding public finance architecture

Payment process challenges in the country context

Understanding smart payment features

Digital readiness—gaps and opportunities

Country case studies

Testimonials from past participants
Our general trainings