
The Role of Partnerships and Strategic Alliances to Promote Mobile Phone Banking at the Bottom of the Pyramid

This note looks at the role of partnerships and alliances in m-banking, drawing some of the existing examples represented at the MicroSave-CGAP M-banking Dialogue held in 2008.

This note looks at the role of partnerships and alliances in m-banking, drawing some of the existing examples represented at the MicroSave-CGAP M-banking Dialogue held in 2008. It examines the importance and the different configurations/types of partnerships necessary to bring mass m-banking to the low income market, as well as the options for microfinance institutions. It specifically focuses on opportunities and benefits that may accrue to the small banks and networks of MFIs interested in offering mobile phone banking services as they collaborate and share a mobile banking platform. The note also predicts that third-party mobile phone banking service providers will also continue to play a role for banks as well as small MFIs who would prefer to outsource certain banking functions and turn over much of the technical development and management of an agent network to a third party.

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