Signature projects

Digitization of Indian agriculture: MSC’s role to implement AgriStack

  • time Dec 22, 2023
  • calendar 1 min

MSC helped the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in India digitize land records and analyze each state’s unique data management processes and systems. The project sought to double farmers’ income through an AgriStack to provide IT-driven services.

The Government of India intended to create an AgriStack to provide IT-driven services to farmers and double their income. MSC initiated this project to help the government realize its goal.

MSC helped the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in India digitize farmers’ land records. We analyzed each state’s unique data management processes and systems to provide tailored support. This was done in three phases:

  1. Baseline and model design: Categorized states into four clusters based on data system maturity and created SOPs for each cluster;
  2. Design: Drafted models and taxonomies for the databases and prepared a roadmap for their creation;
  3. Implementation and rollout: Sensitized the states, tested SOPs on a pilot basis, and helped create databases and associated models.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation commissioned and supported this project.

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