Signature projects

Government-to-person (G2P) programs

  • time Oct 31, 2018
  • calendar 1 min

MSC’s work with governments spans G2P infrastructure, as well as the design, test, and roll out of G2P programs. Key projects in this area include the development of a roadmap for the Government of Malawi to transition to digital G2P payments, and the PAHAL and Ujjwala LPG (cooking gas) programs in India. MSC’s interventions helped the Indian government to eliminate 33 million duplicate or “ghost” beneficiaries. MSC also provided critical inputs to Bantuan Pangan Non-Tunai (BPNT), the program for food subsidy transfer in Indonesia. The program reached 5 million beneficiaries in 2018 and will reach 10 million by 2019.

MSC works with governments to assess the readiness of their enabling G2P infrastructure. At the program-level, we also assist in the design, test, and roll out of G2P programs.

MSC’s key projects in this area include the development of a roadmap for the Government of Malawi to transition from cash to digital G2P payments, and the PAHAL and Ujjwala LPG (cooking gas) programs in India. We also designed the processes to route subsidy for LPG to the bank accounts of beneficiaries and assessed the impact of the Ujjwala scheme.

MSC’s interventions helped the Indian government to eliminate 33 million duplicate or “ghost” beneficiaries. The government now provides a subsidy of about INR 2,514 (USD 34) for LPG cylinders to each eligible household in a year. Estimates indicate that the total savings for the Indian government from the move to digital cash transfers amounts to USD 744 million per year.

Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) is the program for food subsidy transfer in Indonesia, where MSC provided critical inputs to the government to remove bottlenecks. As of 2018, the program reached 5 million beneficiaries and will reach 10 million by 2019. The budget for this is around USD 1.4 billion.

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