Signature projects

Research for CARD in the Philippines, and ACSI and Wisdom in Ethiopia

  • time Nov 5, 2018
  • calendar 1 min

Grameen Foundation enlisted MSC to develop savings services for the poor in three institutions in Asia and Africa. MSC conducted market research and a deposit mobilization review and then supported the development of savings services at the institutions. At the time of writing, the savings services products reach more than 1 million Ethiopians. CARD Bank mobilized USD 179 million from its 2.5 million clients.

Grameen Foundation enlisted the expertise of MSC on market research and savings product design. The objective of this assignment was to develop savings services for the poor in three institutions in Asia and Africa.

MSC conducted market research and a deposit mobilization review and then supported the development of savings services at all three institutions. We used our signature Market Insights for Innovation and Design (MI4ID) market research approaches to design savings products, branding, and marketing. Our team worked to define processes and assist with risk management protocols and systems, and provided extensive support for pilot testing.

These savings products have been successfully rolled out. At the time of writing, the products reach more than 1 million Ethiopians, while deposits fund ACSIs loan portfolio to fuel ACSI’s growth. CARD Bank has now mobilized USD 179 million from its 2.5 million clients—an amount that funds its loan portfolio completely.

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