Signature projects

Segmentation studies of customers and enterprises for financial services

  • time Nov 2, 2018
  • calendar 1 min

MSC’s expertise in working with low-income people helped us conduct multiple customer segmentation and market-sizing projects. Our recent work in this area spans Bangladesh, India, Qatar, and Cambodia. In Bangladesh, MSC highlighted a market of 12.5 million additional users by 2020. MSC’s research in India highlighted a USD-155-billion annual deposit potential among 600 million people from the low- and middle-income (LMI) segment. In Qatar, MSC’s research has helped segment 2.69 million people to develop a financial inclusion strategy. Our market segmentation research in Cambodia helped improve our client’s product offering for around 700,000 clients.

MSC’s multi-country expertise of working with low-income people for more than two decades helps us conduct a range of customer segmentation and market-sizing projects. We design and implement rigorous research studies to provide comprehensive end-to-end consumer insights for faster, smarter, and better decisions. We have studied the women mobile financial services (MFS) customers in Bangladesh and segmented them into seven customer segments based on two key parameters—location and age group. Our work highlighted a market of 12.5 million additional users by 2020.

Our research on low and middle-income (LMI) customers in India segmented LMI into three categories based on their savings behavior–diligent savers, ambitious savers, and cautious savers. The research highlighted an annual deposit potential of USD 155 billion among 600 million people from the LMI segment.

MSC’s customer segmentation research has been a part of developing the national financial inclusion and financial literacy strategy for the Government of Qatar. The research segmented 2.69 million people in Qatar into distinct categories and helped MSC develop a suitable financial inclusion strategy.

MSC conducted a market segmentation research in Cambodia to understand and assess the financial behavior of various market segments and measure the demand for innovative financial products in the Cambodian marketplace. Our study helped our client to improve its product offering for close to 700,000 clients.

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