Signature projects

SME handbook development for DHL/IFC in Africa

  • time Oct 29, 2018
  • calendar 1 min

MSC developed a customized training and handbook for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Africa. The training program for SMEs covered six broad areas. Over 1,000 entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan Africa have used the handbook and the e-learning platform continues to find intensive use.

DHL intended to complement its training program to a captive SME audience operating across Africa through the development of a training handbook. MSC developed a customized training and handbook for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Africa.

The training program for SMEs covered six broad areas:

  • Business planning
  • Accounting and finance
  • Sales and marketing
  • Human resources
  • Logistics and trade
  • Technology

IFC alongside DHL tested and reviewed the training material. The client offered the final handbook on an e-learning platform, which presents each topic in a modular form. Over 1,000 entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan Africa have used the handbook. The e-learning platform continues to be used intensively.

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