Signature projects

Strengthening Solar Sakhi (to promote green energy products in rural India)

  • time Mar 22, 2021
  • calendar 1 min

MSC supported the initiative of Barefoot College to develop a new solar business vertical to enhance the adoption of its green energy products among rural customers in India. The project involved training and capacity-building of its fleet of Solar Sakhis—women champions of solar energy products.

Barefoot College commissioned MSC to support its Solar Sakhis—women champions of solar energy products. Our support involved the development of an HR strategy, lending products and methodology, scoring tools, digital repayment solutions, technology integration, and training. MSC conducted field research and thereafter developed a solar business vertical and designed youth-focused product concepts and processes. At the time of writing, we were working on a credit-scoring tool, repayment solutions, and capacity-building of young Solar Sakhis.

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