
Smart Meters to Enhance Access to Water Services in Rural Africa

Also known as intelligent or multi-functional water meters, smart meters can measure water levels, leakages, and water quality.

An estimated 663 million people lack access to clean and safe drinking water in the world today. Mobile money services have opened new frontiers in the development and promotion of livelihood services for the mass market. GSMA’s Mobile for Development Utilities – Innovation Fund supports pilot projects, which test innovations that promote access to water and energy through pay-as-you-go (PAYG) systems, such as smart water meters.

Also known as intelligent or multi-functional water meters, smart meters can measure water levels, leakages, and water quality. More importantly, these meters can send data to a portal or to another device for further analysis and action. Smart water meters make use of inbuilt sensors and digital devices based on the Internet of Things – IoT. Technology companies are currently making use of IoT to develop and promote smart meters.

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George Muruka

Former Associate Partner