
Top MSC blogs of 2021

  • user by MSC
  • time Jan 3, 2022
  • calendar 3 min

In 2021, MSC focused on sectors like MSME, agriculture, microfinance, gender, youth, climate change, and digital finance. We took a deep look into measures to minimize the pandemic’s impact on the LMI segments. Here is a roundup of our most-read blogs in 2021.

1. How did COVID-19 affect the incomes of migrants and low-wage workers in India?

The case study is about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns on migrants and the low-income groups in India. It captures the stories of migrants who were stranded away from their homes without any livelihood. The case study also highlights the adverse effects of the pandemic on the income and jobs of daily wage workers.

2. PMAY-G: Transforming the rural housing program in India (Part I)

The Government of India has envisioned providing shelter to the homeless since the country gained independence. This blog outlines the evolution of various rural housing programs. It also examines the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G), an initiative of the government to provide housing for the rural poor. The blog explores how PMAY-G has improved the provision of housing across the country.

3. MSMEs in Kenya amid COVID-19: A question of survival

This blog presents critical insights from MSC’s research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and their coping strategies. We conclude with recommendations for the government to formulate policy measures and for the donor agencies to support the recovery of Kenyan MSMEs and build their resilience.

4. Bangladesh – the basket case that taught microfinance to the world

As Bangladesh celebrates 50 years of independence, we look back at one of its greatest gifts to the world—microfinance. This blog highlights the role of Bangladesh’s four pioneering institutions—Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA, and BURO Bangladesh. We look at the origin of microfinance and learn how it gained popularity at the local level, global adaptation, business model optimization, and product innovation.

5. Impact of COVID-19 on farmers in Kenya and the government’s response

This blog distils MSC’s analysis of COVID-19 on the farmers in Kenya and their coping mechanisms. The blog further explores how the government supports the sector with relief measures and what more public and private agencies can do to help the sector recover.

6. Digitizing the operations of MSMEs: A big step to strengthen their resilience

About 17% of businesses surveyed by MSC in India, Indonesia, Kenya, and the Philippines have closed due to local restrictions and low demand for goods and services. Meanwhile, micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the informal sector fared worse. In this situation, digitization has brought ample opportunities for MSMEs.

7. Vietnam’s changing digital landscape: The transformation of FinTechs to super apps in the time of COVID-19

Vietnam is a cradle for the next generation of FinTechs that will drive financial inclusion. This blog explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the country’s FinTech ecosystem.

8. Getting behind the corona statistics: How a small shopkeeper took on the pandemic

This blog has been written by Rahul Chatterjee, Manager, MSC, with additional material from Stuart Rutherford and Md Kalim Ullah of the Hrishipara Daily Diaries Project. Based on a case study, this blog analyzes how a small corner shop owner in Bangladesh survived the COVID-19 pandemic. It also explores strategies for small shopkeepers to speed up recovery and bounce back from the pandemic’s effects.

9. Mid-day Meal Scheme: How India feeds 115 million children every school day

Over the years, India’s Mid-Day Meal program has capitalized on improvements in the digital infrastructure in the country. It now incorporates systems that enable real-time monitoring and quality checks. Our blog takes a deeper look at this flagship initiative.

10. NFHS 5 calls for urgent action on child nutrition in India

The article highlights findings from the first round of National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 5, a large-scale nationwide survey of households in India, released in December, 2020. The article primarily focuses on five major indicators of child nutrition. It compares the outcome of the first round of NFHS 5, covering 54% of India’s population, with previously conducted NFHS 3 and 4 in 2005-06 and 2015-16, respectively.

Read more publications on our website here.

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