Ramesh Arunachalam


Ramesh Arunachalam

Ramesh S Arunachalam is currently working as a Research Specialist at International Development Consultant, Worldwide. He has 30 years of work experience at senior positions in diverse (but cross-linked) areas across multi-dimensional and multi-cultural environments the world over.

Ramesh S. Arunachalam is currently working as a Research Specialist and International Development Consultant. He has completed over 308 professional assignments and travelled and worked extensively in over 26 countries in North America, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Caribbean across diverse (inter-linked) projects in senior positions. His areas of expertise include Financial Sector Development, FINTECH, REGTECH, DLT/BLOCKCHAINS, Financial Inclusion including its regulation and supervision, MSMEs, their financing and enabling policy development, Risk Management, Internal Audit and Technology & Core Banking/ERP.