George Mugweru


George Mugweru

George Mugweru is a Market Systems Specialist in Habitat for Humanity’s Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter (TCIS). He is responsible for supporting design, coordination, implementation and sharing lessons and emerging best practices in inclusive Housing Market Systems Development.

George Mugweru worked as a Senior Financial Services Analyst at MSC from August 2010 to June 2014. Since leaving MSC George worked as a Housing Microfinance and Housing Support Services Lead in Habitat for Humanity Kenya as a housing microfinance expert for the “Building Assets, Unlocking Access” project, in Kenya and Uganda implemented by TCIS. George has over 13 years of experience as an accomplished financial services expert. His work has included the implementation of projects focusing on improving financial capability and literacy to low-income households, market research and financial service product design. He has consulting experience in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.